Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk
The rough-legged hawk is a large buteo found throughout much of the northern hemisphere.  Hawks are classified into one of two genus, Buteo and Accipiter. Buteo hawks are often referred to as soaring hawks. They have long broad wings and short tails which help them take advantage of wind currents and thermal air. Rough-legged hawks have longer thinner wings and longer tails compared to many other buteos.
Rough-legged Hawk
 Rough-legged hawks are circumpolar. They nest in the Arctic and tundra regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. During the winter they migrate south into The US, Central Asia and Europe. In Europe and Asia they are called the rough-legged buzzard.
Rough-legged Hawk
 The rough-legged hawk gets its name because it is one of two species of hawks that have feathers that run down to their feet. Rough-legged hawks also have a variety of different color morphs. All of the birds in this post are rough-legged hawks but th last photo is a light morph, the middle is a dark morph and the first is a more of a mixed morph.


Maria's Space said...

Such beautiful captures if a stunning bird. If you decide to come see mine I am going to add the link so it doesn't get lost in the bloggyness of my day.

Kate said...

Your photos are always images of perfection. Great that you share them with us!

Roger Owen Green said...



Unknown said...

Wonderful bird and photos

Have a nice abc-day/ - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-w-team)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fabulous images

Lea said...

Wonderful! Beautiful!

A Colorful World said...

I learned a lot. Thanks for a great post! Beautiful photos.

Joy said...

I love the three different views and that fir perch looks the ideal take off point.

Redzlan said...

I envy your beautiful Rough-legged hawks in flight with blue sky. We have cloudy gray sky and rain over here

Unknown said...

Great one.